Together We Can Achieve More!

Last Updated: May 20 , 2024
501(c) (3) SY2023-2024 Mission Vista High PTSA

If you are interested in joining MVHS PTSA, know of someone who is or knows a great candidate for any of the above listed positions, reach out to: for more information.


Together we can achieve more!

Our mission is for Parents, Teachers and Students to work together with our school to help provide programs and enrichment activities which enhance your child's learning environment!

With your membership, donations and support we are able to provide: 

      • Academic and Site Support
      • Reflections (a creative arts program)
      • SAT/ACT Preparation
      • School Site Volunteer Support
      • Student Recognition
      • Teacher and Staff Recognition

Membership Dues are only $12 per membership! 


Award of Academic Excellence

Each term we honor every student who earns a 4.0 or higher with a celebration of their hard work, each student receives a certificate or recognition, a lunch and a chance to enter in to a gift card drawing.

Student Recognition "Leader of the Pack Award"

Student who are nominated by their teachers are recognized for showing exceptional character by demonstrating one or more of MVHS Core Values each student nominated  receives  a certificate of award and a spirit goody bag. 

~ mutual respect, collaboration, integrity, originality, and intellectual curiosity ~

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